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It is finally here! We worked really hard on the Thematic Poetry anthology we had promised and are proud and thrilled to announce that it is finally ready.

As with the Selected Poetry, you can download it for free, but you have to solve puzzles and enter the solutions to the puzzles in order to download it.

We decided that the password would be a combination of all passwords used for the Selected Poems. Just go to the Selected Poems page, solve ALL the puzzles, combine the solutions in one word without gaps, and enter it to download "The Journey" (Marie's selected Thematic Poetry), 463 pages of outstanding poetry, a fabulous journey through a landscape of emotions. The themes are: 1. Confessional and Feelings; 2. Philosophy and Moments of Being; 3. Human Condition; 4. Nature and Landscapes; 5. Japanese-Style Poetry; 6. Traditional. Sometimes themes overlap of course.

You can download the anthology from here.

We have also added some previews (not password-protected) with a few poems for each theme.

Here they are:

1. Confessional and Feelings

2. Philosophy and Moments of Being

3. Human Condition

4. Nature and Landscapes

5. Japanese-Style Poetry

6. Traditional

All poems are of course Marie Faverio's Copyright.

We might make some changes in the future. In the meantime, while you are trying to solve the puzzles, you can also enjoy Marie's award-winning poetry here.


Update: We are planning on publishing two new volumes of thematic poetry (hopefully at the beginning of 2023) - "Poetry for the Brain" and "Poetry for the Heart". Please stay tuned. They will comprise old poems, but it is always a pleasure to read Marie's poems!

Here they are:

1. Poetry for the Brain

2. Poetry for the Heart

They are password-protected too. In order to access them, you will have to solve the coded crossword puzzle below (also called codeword puzzle) by figuring out which letter each number represents and slowly filling in all letters. It is recommended to start with short words.

The password for the first volume is the last word in the seventh row; the password for the second volume is the last word in the second row.

We also have some previews for those who don't like puzzles.

Poetry for the Brain Previews

Poetry for the Heart Previews

Good luck!






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